


What is the Cat's Cradle? Who is Harper Cat?

Cat's Cradle is a website I, Harper Cat, created. Harper Cat is a multimedia artist/writer, most known for music projects such as Flowerguts and Cathead. Here, you can find my blog which I update fairly often, as well as links to all of my music. You can also find my newsletter which I plan on releasing monthly and will consist of film and music reviews, early looks and leaks of upcoming music, in addition to a written piece about whatever I feel like talking about.

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"Dog With a Blog"

Welcome to my blog! Ive always enjoyed sharing things and facts about my life and my days, but I'm not a fan of social media so I thought I could start a blog! I don't know how often this will be updated, but it will function almost like a journal of sorts. I will post photos, as well as any other things I want. Kind of like a less refined and more personal newsletter. Hope you enjoy!

January 26, 2025

I have a new song coming out in a week or so! very excited. I've been working on my new album for a while (which initially started as an ep) so its gonna be good to get it out there. the whole thing is about my relationship and journey with my gender identity. it might be a bit on the nose at times, but I'm proud of it so far. if i can, ill try and post it here early for those who are kind enough to check this website out frequentlymy classes have been going very well! off to a much better start than before. I like both of my classes a lot since they're both psychology. I want to try and make some new friends but it is very hard when you are chronically insecure and introverted. im not even that introverted I'm just really bad at meeting new people.I have been gaming quite a bit as I've said before. i recently have started to have a bit of a fantasy kick (mostly due to my girlfriend) and have picked up the Witcher 3. i also started a somewhat modded playthrough of Skyrim. i want to do a stealth build which I haven't done before and it means i get to play as a khajiit which is super cool bc I am a Cat and I get to roleplay as my catgirl stealth bow/sniper self. i was already really interested in it but after watching the recent dnd movie I have wanted to try it. i have started developing a character alongside my gf and it makes me want to actually play a campaign and/or tell a story with her.i will not lie, the state of the world has caused me immense anxiety recently. every day I see headlines that make my heart sink, and I see some of the most baffling decisions being made by our government consistently. it has made me feel even worse because in a time where I've been exploring my gender and growing more close and comfortable with it, there is a continued push towards me and others by my country to cease to exist. I'm not religious, but i like to think that I am perfect the way i am, because if there is a god they wouldn't have made me who I am for no reason. i deserve to exist.

January 14, 2025

today i will be taking the amtrak for the first time!! I'm quite nervous but I found out its much cheaper then what I've been taking (flixbus) and much prettier! I'm gonna be taking the coast starlight, which is one of the more popular trains. it has two levels including a dining cart! ill only be on it for a little over an hour, but its still excitingvery antsy for severance season 2. one of my most anticipated seasons of tv coming out this year (besides poker face... please....)

January 13, 2025

i apologize for how long it has taken me to update this. I was working on a newsletter but didn't get it out before the holidays, so I'm gonna scrap it and make something new. I don't know what the new one will be about but it will be fun I promiseI started college! or rather, the new term has begun. Just taking a couple classes; the first being a intro into psychology class and the other being a class about "the psychology of human relations". lots of psychology! its very fun. sometimes learning about psychology is almost therapeutic because I'm not only learning about psychology, but also about myself.lots of goals for the new year. move out, get a job, and work more on my unhealthy habits to name a few. this year could be a very big year for me if all goes well.I've been playing a lot of far cry? specifically the fifth one. one thing you may or may not know about me is I'm a huge gamer! well not that much of a gamer, but I like to do it in my free time. i got a new graphics card recently, and have been enjoying that. the open worlds are so pretty! even if the gameplay itself can be a little simple and repetitive. video game junk food

December 22, 2024

jesus christ. guys this is a warning i don’t know who needs to hear this but TAKE YOUR MEDS!! didn’t take my antidepressants for a couple days since i ran out and ive been having the most stressful and vivid dreams and have been suffering from dizziness and dissociation all day. this isn’t fun lolyesterday my girlfriend came over and we had our mini christmas. we did gingerbread houses too which was really fun. i don’t understand why people dislike building the houses compared to decorating them, because the trials and tribulations of making things stable and structurally sound is the funnest part.

December 20, 2024

too many movies are coming out when I have to focus on watching my annual Christmas watches. the new joker and juror 2 are on max, and conclave is on peacock. question is, which do I watch goal is to start working on the newsletter soon. ideally, I wanted it to be out by or on Christmas as I wanted to make it Christmas themed, but im worried I wont be able to make it. i know what im going to write about and stuff I just dont know where to start. i also plan to make my newsletters w/o digital editing, as in i would print things out and make a collage and then scan it and send it out. it gives me alot more creative freedom whilst also allowing me to get funky with it (i also know nothing about graphic arts and such).

December 19, 2024

today i decided to make a website. i got inspired by seeing other fellow artists create similar pages, so i thought i could make my own. im not a fan of social media, and have found myself growing more distant with the platform(s). which sucks because i really like showing off my art and sharing my thoughts and stuff. i’ve been wanting to get more into general content and media creation, which includes writing more, releasing more music, and working on my youtube channel again. ideally, each newsletter i release will function as a basis for a future video, since i really want to get back into youtube content and possibly is nearly christmas and i couldn’t be more excited. probably my favorite time of year, not bc of all the gifts and activities and such but also because it feels like the time of year where my inner child is able to be healed the most. something about the whimsy of the holiday fills me with warmth and joy. i hope everyone is able to have a happy holidays! after the shitstorm that’s been 2024, i need this christmas

Cat's Cradle Newsletter

This is where you will be able to find my newsletter, which will (hopefully) be released monthly. You can sign up for the mailing list, and/or check this section of the site. The newsletter will consist of the following

- A written piece about whatever topic I feel, whether it be about media, the world, or some other subject.- A film review of something I've seen that month. The term "review" is used loosely, as it will most likely take the form of an analysis- Music/Film/Media recommendations. These can quite literally be anything, from a movie or album to a youtube video or podcast. Whatever content I feel is worth sharing- Possible music leaks/snippets/WIPs.- Photos I've taken (pictures of my cats)

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This page is dedicated to all of my music. Click each album cover to view it on Bandcamp (if its available).


quincy (2021)

the moon is beautiful, isnt it (2021)

the rabbit is starving (2021)

foxes (2021)

elafiphobia (2022)

chainsaw to the dog (2022)

capple (2022)

halcyon (2023)

demos, covers, and unreleased (2020-2023)

everything god isnt (2024)

past/future/present (2025)


cathead (2022)

worm (2023)

Kyoto Shooting Range

meet me in montauk (2022)

hey it’s been a while, how have you been? (2022)